Black Garlic Ketchup

Black garlic ketchup is a flavorful and unique condiment that can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Burgers: Use as a topping for burgers for a sweet and savory twist.

  2. Fries: Serve as a dipping sauce for french fries for a rich and delicious flavor.

  3. Meat dishes: Use as a glaze for meat dishes such as pork chops or chicken, or as a marinade.

  4. Sauce: Use as a base for sauces, such as barbecue sauce or steak sauce.

  5. Sandwiches: Spread on sandwiches for a unique twist on classic recipes.

  6. Salad dressing: Use as a base for salad dressings for a sweet and savory flavor.

  7. Vegetables: Serve with roasted or grilled vegetables for a delicious and unique flavor.

  8. Rice and pasta dishes: Use as a flavorful sauce for rice or pasta dishes.

  9. Cocktails: Use as a mixer in cocktails for a sweet and savory flavor.

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